Above: Vikash (left), Ragini (right), and their two children (center) have their photo taken outside one of DKT Janani’s Surya Clinics
When Vikash and Ragini Kumari got married in 2013, they decided they wanted just two children, no more. Their plan was implemented flawlessly, thanks to critical support from DKT Janani’s Surya Family Planning Clinic Network.
Vikash and Ragini live in Patna, the capital of Bihar State. Vikash, 33 years old, is a mobile motorbike mechanic. He doesn’t have a workshop of his own; he travels to his customers at their homes and workplaces to maintain their motorcycles. This earns him enough money to take care of his family and aging parents. Ragini, 28, stays at home and takes care of the children.
When they were first married, Vikash and Ragini were not using contraception. After Ragini delivered their first child at a DKT Janani Surya clinic in Patna, they sought the advice of the clinic counsellor and decided to go for birth spacing with an intrauterine device (IUD) until they were ready to have their next child. Since then, they have maintained a constant relationship with their local Surya Clinic.
“I used to be afraid of going to a hospital, but Surya clinic has changed me,” says Ragini. “I felt like I was with family members whenever I was at the clinic. They are always so friendly and remember me from many years ago. After both my children were born, I received calls from Janani asking how I was. It made me feel good.”
Ragini never suffered any side effects or had problems with the IUD insertion. As planned, they had their second child in 2018 at the Surya clinic. Throughout her pregnancy, Ragini was under a Surya doctor’s supervision. They were happy with Surya, especially the ambience and cleanliness of the clinic and the helpfulness and friendliness of the staff.
After their second child Ragini opted for female sterilization, at the Surya clinic, of course. The procedure went smoothly, with no complications.
Vikash and Ragini say they are a happy couple. Their son is now seven years old and attends a Montessori primary school. Their daughter is two.
“Surya Clinic has been like a grandmother to us in helping us to understand the advantages of a small family with a better quality of life,” says Ragini. “Now we can afford to educate and take care of our children properly. Vikash is happy too; he repairs the clinic staff’s motorbikes.”