Exciting trends revealed about DKT’s contribution to increasing contraceptive use in several country markets
By Stephanie Gallagher, Director, Global Programs and Development, DKT International
DKT recently partnered with colleagues at the William H. Gates Sr. Institute for Population and Reproductive Health at Johns Hopkins University to estimate our overall contribution to a given country’s progress on contraceptive use in seven country markets, revealing some exciting trends.. These analyses showcase DKT’s substantial impact on increasing contraceptive use upon entering a market. In 2022, DKT supplied over 40% of contraceptive users in Nigeria, over 30% in Ghana and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and 25% in Ethiopia.
Table 1: Percentage of Total Contraceptive Users Supplied by DKT in 2022
The below graph demonstrates DKT’s ‘market share’ of contraceptive users for select countries by year.
Graph 1: Percentage of Total Contraceptive Users from 2012-2022 Supplied by DKT
Our data-driven approach was developed in partnership with Dr. Ian Sales at JHU, and builds on previous work estimating net contraceptive uptake, widely used by NGOs and governments across sub-Saharan Africa and Asia since 2018. The analysis uses standard CYP adjustment factors for short-acting methods (ECs, pills, condoms, injectables) and CYP-consistent continuation rates for long-acting reversible contraceptives (IUDs and implants) to estimate the total number of contraceptive users in a given country.
DKT plays a key role in providing contraceptive products and services across all countries where it operates. This contribution varies, ranging from supplying 5% of contraceptive users in countries such as Kenya and Cote d’Ivoire to 35-40% in the DRC, Ghana, and Nigeria. In Ethiopia, although DKT’s market share has declined, the organization still accounts for some 25% of all contraceptive users. This decline is attributed to the consistent performance of DKT Ethiopia over the last decade, as the country saw an increase in its number of contraceptive users. DKT’s entry into the Ethiopian market in 1990 fostered the conditions that led to the country’s overall increase in contraceptive users.
Our analysis enhances our understanding of our impact and informs our decision-making process for future programming, ultimately contributing to the promotion of sustainable contraceptive use in diverse markets. A more detailed, nuanced analysis will be released at the end of January.
For more information about the analysis or to contact our programs department, please reach out to Stephanie Gallagher, our Director of Global Programs and Development at stephanie@dktinternational.org.