In the face of COVID-19, DKT has taken measures to ensure that DKT staff are well informed and equipped with the resources they need to ensure their safety and well-being. Furthermore, DKT is quickly adapting to the changing nature of workflows and processes, including working from home and social distancing.
DKT is focused on doing everything we can to minimize disruption in the access to and use of high-quality products. The reproductive health needs of women and men around the world are not on ‘pause’ during this time and so we are taking steps to address those needs.
We are investing in inventory to reduce stock outs. There are significant slowdowns in production of our partner manufacturers, and heightened scrutiny and impediments around global shipping and freight. To ensure access in uninterrupted, DKT has stocked up on products like condoms, IUDs, oral contraceptives, and safe abortion products.
We are getting products on shelves. With COVID-19 realities, there are reductions in travel and confusion around supply chain distribution. DKT is working to address these issues as well by providing more credit where we can to our customers, offering discounts, and making deals. Our objective is to ensure that women and men can find the contraceptives they need just as before.
We are supporting the health sector. Health professionals are understandably concerned about COVID-19. Many are no longer receiving business calls from DKT sales teams, and are reducing their services and operating hours. DKT is working to equip these health providers with information and risk mitigation strategies to continue providing services, including around safe abortion.
We are supporting the government. DKT is leveraging its strong links with the public sector to provide support where and as we can. This includes helping governments access COVID-19 test kits, sharing information and guidance, and making emergency contraceptive supplies available if needed.
This is an unprecedented time and DKT is adapting nimbly and quickly. While we hope for the best, we are preparing for the worst and assuming that these disruptions could be the new reality for the foreseeable future. People around the world still need what DKT does every day. As the largest provider of contraceptives and safe abortion products in the world, we won’t let them down.