By DKT Philippines and DKT International
In the Philippines, the utilization of Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC), such as intrauterine devices (IUDs) and contraceptive implants, is lower than desired, despite their proven advantages over short-acting methods. Research has identified provider bias as a significant barrier, with healthcare providers often favoring short-acting methods and withholding LARCs from certain groups without medical justification. This bias has led to a lack of prioritization for LARC promotion, particularly among family planning (FP) providers, community motivators, and women of reproductive age.
The DKT Philippines Foundation has collaborated with the Asia Pacific Management and Research Group, Inc. (APMARGIN), to better understand the needs of health providers, assess the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of providers regarding LARCs, and review current initiatives on family planning promotion and services, specifically with regard to LARCs. The goal of both the study and the effort is to promote the use of long-acting family planning methods (specifically IUDs); to revitalize IUD promotion; and to normalize LARC use among young women.
Nearly 800 healthcare providers were surveyed, with 57% of them being midwives. The healthcare providers surveyed were experienced in providing family planning services, with the average number of years they had been providing FP services being 11 years. The study found that healthcare providers in the country lack formal training with LARCs and have a low level of knowledge about their usage, specifically with IUDs and contraceptive implants. Key findings revealed that only 36% of healthcare providers have ever received formal training on insertion of IUDs, and only half of those 36% actually feel comfortable doing the procedure.
The study also found that healthcare providers had only inserted, on average, six IUDs over the length of their careers. In general, results revealed a low level of knowledge about contraceptive implant insertion and removal among healthcare providers.
“Key findings revealed that only 36% of healthcare providers have ever received formal training on insertion of IUDs, and only half of those 36% actually feel comfortable doing the procedure.”
Of the 761 healthcare providers surveyed for this study, only 15% had received formal training in counseling adolescents through a dedicated training program, with 64% having had no training. Those providers, however, did express a willingness to learn more about how to better understand and work with adolescent clients.
The DKT Philippines Foundation has now compiled a list of strategies and plans for LARC education and training. Some solutions include in-depth, hands-on training sessions on IUD & contraceptive implant insertion and removal; training on how to dispel myths and misconceptions around LARCs; and training in adolescent-friendly approaches. The study concluded there is a need for a combined effort amongst key institutional partners to help formally train and accredit healthcare providers on IUD and contraceptive implant use. In the coming months, DKT Philippines will work to positively impact both private and public sector markets and expand access to LARCs throughout the country.
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