In 2016, DKT established a regional enterprise-based program in Nairobi, Kenya to expand contraceptive access and increase choice in the neighboring countries of Kenya and Uganda. We chose a regional approach because the current market dynamics in both countries will allow us to attain greater economies of scale and improve cost recovery.
Uganda has a population of over 43 million, with more than half of the population age 25 and under. While modern contraceptive prevalence has jumped to 29% in recent years, unmet need remains high at 32%.
Our goal in Uganda is to engage young people through digital and social media platforms, driving the uptake of contraceptive products by creating new and exciting brands that offer consumers more choice at a better value. Rather than selling contraceptives as a health product, DKT markets products like condoms, IUDs, and injectables as a sexy, fun, and safe means to be sexually active.
We are energizing the private sector market by introducing a full method mix of high-quality and affordable contraceptives through our Kiss, Lydia, and Kare brand families. Our focus is on building a portfolio of contraception, women’s health, and hygiene products to satisfy unmet need in the market and build a strong base of business towards self-sustainability.
We made our first sale in Uganda in August 2017. Since, DKT has launched condoms, emergency contraception, a 3-month injectable, IUDs, misoprostol, a medical abortion combipack, and MVA kits.