DKT International will continue to uphold the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact in the areas of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption. DKT is proud to align our innovative organizational vision to deliver health impact in the advancement of global sustainable development.
The following annual report on our commitment to progress will describe DKT’s engagement with the principles of the UN Global Compact. DKT will continue to prioritize threats to sexual and reproductive health access and utilize the UN Global Compact values to improve the lives of women and men around the world.
Human Rights
DKT is committed to providing all people with high-quality, affordable sexual and reproductive health products and care to promote access to an essential healthcare service. In over 90 low- and middle-income countries, DKT leverages an innovate social marketing model to encourage healthy behavior change and sells contraceptives, HIV/AIDS prevention products, and safe abortion technology.
DKT expands our reach to historically underserved communities (youth, rural areas, low-income communities, LGBT+ groups) to promote equitable access to sexual and reproductive health care. DKT also develops and disseminates educational materials and training for consumers and providers to improve wide-spread access to information about family planning as a human right.
DKT is proud to increase jobs for locals in the countries where we operate. To uphold integrity, DKT ensures its in-country staff reflects the diverse cultural backgrounds in the countries where they work, bringing deep local knowledge and diverse skill sets to achieve results. Although country offices operate independently, DKT keeps organizational practices in place across all international programming to reflect fair employee rights. Field offices share monthly reports to senior management to report on hiring, employee needs, and performance-related issues. Reporting facilitates transparency and accountability across all of DKT International to adhere to labor laws and follow the highest standards for labor rights for the safety of DKT employees.
DKT operates in an environmentally responsible manner by encouraging best practices to eliminate waste, continually assessing the environmental impact of our products and operations, and communicating these values with our stakeholders to ensure a community of environmentally conscious collaborators. DKT also abides by local regulations regarding waste management and environmental protection as they vary between the countries we operate in. By replacing travel by planes with virtual meetings, DKT has prioritized reducing emissions. Finally, all employees are encouraged to use public transit, recycle, and compost.
DKT shares an Environmental Sustainability Management Plan with employees to ensure these values are reflected not only in organizational operations, but in their daily lives as well.
DKT International is an organization that is true to the highest standards of ethical, moral, and legal business conduct. We do not tolerate acts of dishonesty, fraud, or abuses of power. DKT builds preventative measures to protect against fraud and strengthen employees’ commitment to fair practices. Human Resource staff across all country programs are required to share an Anti-Corruption Policy with employees. Employees are also provided with confidential channels to report unethical behavior through a whistleblower email portal.